Interactive Italy train map

Planning a trip around Italy by train but don’t know where to start? You’re in luck! Our interactive train map of Italy highlights some of the most popular routes in Italy and from France, Switzerland and Germany to Italy. Click on each of the routes in our map below to find journey times and ticket prices.

Red routes – High-speed trains

Green routes – Regional trains

Blue routes – Cross-border trains

Depending on your journey, you can either take a high-speed train, which connects Italy’s largest cities, or a slower regional train, which usually runs through the rural areas. For example, the route from Rome to Milan is served by both Frecciarossa and Italo high-speed trains, which cover the 296 miles (477 km) between the two cities in about three hours, reaching speeds of up to 300 km/h (186 mph). In contrast, the route from Catania to Palermo is 104 miles (167 km) and is covered by Trenitalia’s regional trains, which take the same amount of time to complete the journey – three hours. Regional trains stop at lots of small stations on a given route and aren’t as fast as high-speed trains, but they tend to be much cheaper.

Popular Italian train journeys

Want to know a bit more about some of the most popular train routes in Italy? Check out our table below and click on the route you’re most interested in – you’ll find plenty of information, including journey times, ticket prices and some useful FAQs. At Trainline, we connect directly to Trenitalia, Italo and Thello’s ticket inventory, so your train ticket will always be valid for travel if you book online with us.

RouteDistanceFastest journey
Rome to Venice245 miles (394 km)3h 16m
Rome to Florence144 miles (232 km)1h 17m
Rome to Naples117 miles (189 km)1h 07m
Florence to Venice127 miles (204 km)2h 01m
Milan to Rome296 miles (477 km)3h 10m
Milan to Venice152 miles (245 km)2h 12m
Milan to Florence155 miles (249 km)1h 44m
Rome to Milan296 miles (477 km)3h 05m
Paris to Milan397 miles (639 km)6h 56m
Paris to Venice524 miles (844 km)9h 11m

Travel Italy with a Rail Pass

If you’re planning on travelling from Italy to France, Switzerland, Germany or any other European country, why not get a Rail Pass – it can be a cost-effective way to travel cross-country by rail. There are two types of Rail Passes which cover train travel in Italy and Europe:

  • Interrail Pass – Suitable for European residents travelling within the EEA (European Economic Area).
  • Eurail Pass – Suitable for non-European residents and non-European passport holders travelling within the EEA.

Train travel in Europe

Want to explore another European country but not sure about the trains you can take? Click on one of the country guides below – we’ll provide you with all the information you need about train and ticket types, discounts and destinations. If you’re travelling to Spain, Switzerland, France, Belgium or Germany, have a look at our Spain Rail map, Switzerland train mapFrance train map, Belgium train map and Germany train map pages, or for a general overview of the European rail network, head to our Europe train map page.

Good to know

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