How to get to Thorpe Park by train

Planning a day out at Thorpe Park and want to travel there by train? You're in luck. We've got all the info you need to know about taking the train, including which station to go to, bus connections, and upcoming train times.

The nearest train station to Thorpe Park

The nearest train station to Thorpe Park is Staines which is about 3 miles away from the theme park. Staines is served by regular South Western Railway services from London Waterloo and Reading.

Getting from Staines train station to Thorpe Park

There is a shuttle bus link (number 950) that operates directly from Staines train station to Thorpe Park approximately every 15-20 minutes. This shuttle starts running at 09:00 from Staines station and stops running from Thorpe Park an hour after park closing time - making it an ideal solution for day visitors taking the train.

Thorpe Park is one of the UK's most popular theme parks, well worth a visit with the kids. Famous for Stealth, Saw - The Ride and Nemesis Inferno, Thorpe Park houses 27 different rides but is mainly focused on thrill rides and rollercoasters. Take a look at their official website for information on booking and visiting.

Station details & facilities

Departures and arrivals from Staines

Want to check the latest departures and arrivals into Staines station? Find live information for the next trains departing and arriving at the station below.
Departing toTrainTimePlatformStatus
to London WaterlooSouth Western Railway16:031On time
to London WaterlooSouth Western Railway16:081On time
to Windsor & Eton RiversideSouth Western Railway16:132On time
to WeybridgeSouth Western Railway16:172On time
to London WaterlooSouth Western Railway16:241On time
Arriving fromTrainTimePlatformStatus
from WeybridgeSouth Western Railway16:021On time
from Windsor & Eton RiversideSouth Western Railway16:071On time
from London WaterlooSouth Western Railway16:122On time
from London WaterlooSouth Western Railway16:172On time
from London WaterlooSouth Western Railway16:242On time

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