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What is CartaFRECCIA by Trenitalia?

CartaFRECCIA is Trenitalia’s free loyalty programme which allows you to collect points when you travel (or when you buy products and services from the train company’s partners) and access discounts and reward tickets.

With CartaFRECCIA:

  • For every euro spent on Frecce trains (Frecciarossa, Frecciargento and Frecciabianca trains), Eurocity and Euronight trains (Italian routes only), you’ll earn 1 CartaFRECCIA point.

Register online to access dedicated promotions.

CartaFRECCIA: signing up

Register online in just a few minutes! You'll get your personal code straight away, so you can start earning points and accessing dedicated cardholder promotions immediately.

Sign up here.

CartaFRECCIA: cost

€0. Nada. Zilch. CartaFRECCIA is free!

How do I accumulate CartaFRECCIA points?

Earning points is easy peasy. Find out how it works.

For every euro spent on Frecce, Eurocity and Euronight trains for trips in Italy, you'll earn 1 CartaFRECCIA point.

These points can be used for rewards and count as status points towards CartaFRECCIA status levels (CartaFRECCIA Argento, Oro and Platino).

Things to know:

  • When buying 2nd Class/Standard Class season tickets, you will earn reward points, but these do not count towards CartaFRECCIA status levels.
  • Only trips made by the cardholder generate points.
  • If you buy a monthly Alta Velocità or AV (high-speed) pass but you don’t travel every day, you’ll get 10 extra CartaFRECCIA points for each booking that you cancelled or did not use. These extra points will be credited to your account within 10 days of the end of your subscription. This promotion cannot be combined with other points-earning promotions.

But what exactly do I have to do?

Enter your CartaFRECCIA number for every purchase on Trainline. The higher the value of the ticket you buy, the more points will be credited to your account.

What's more, you can earn points even faster by using Trenitalia's partners, including Plentitude, ITA,, AVIS, Zyppy, Verisure, Maggiore and Budget.

How do I use CartaFRECCIA points?

Rewards points increase your points balance, and you can use these to redeem free tickets, upgrades or carnets. Status points, on the other hand, allow you to move up to an exclusive status level: CartaFRECCIA Argento, Oro or Platino.

Trenitalia points validity

This year's points cycle ends on 31st December 2024 and you can redeem points earned in this cycle until 25th February 2025.

How do I use CartaFRECCIA points?

You can:

  • Contact the Trenitalia Call Centre on 89 20 21 (Italian number, fees may apply). You'll need to give the operator the necessary details to identify you. At this point, you can redeem the reward you’re interested in. The operator will verify that you’re eligible for the reward and assign it to your account.
  • Use the Trenitalia website: log into the members’ area and, based on your points balance, redeem the reward that interests you. In the case of reward tickets, you will receive an email containing the identification code (or PNR code) that you need to claim the ticket. This email will be sent to the email address you provided when you registered for the programme.
  • Go to authorised station ticket offices.
  • Go to a FRECCIAClub or FRECCIALounge location, if you have access to these, for help from Trenitalia staff.

Trenitalia reward tickets

You can grab a reward ticket from just 1,000 points! Reward tickets are available in three categories according to the distance of the journey in kilometres (the commercial distance is taken from Trenitalia's Official Handbook of Distance in Kilometres).


Small 0-250 km

Medium 251-650 km

Large over 650 km

Second Class/Standard








First Class/Business













Trenitalia may limit, on some days and for certain routes, the availability of reward tickets. Refunds are not permitted, except when Trenitalia is at fault.


  • Reward points can be used by the cardholder or by a third party.
  • If you're redeeming points for a journey with multiple trains involved, you will need to redeem the legs separately. For example, for a journey from Reggio Calabria to Milan on a Frecciargento train from Reggio Calabria to Rome and on a Frecciarossa train from Rome to Milan, you'll need to redeem two reward tickets.

10-journey carnet with CartaFRECCIA Points

If you frequently travel on the same route served by Frecce trains, then a 10-journey carnet could be the reward for you! This is a nominative reward, and reservations can be used only by the carnet holder.

The carnet allows you to make 10 journeys which should be booked within 180 days for train trips on the same route.

Here’s how many CartaFRECCIA points you’ll need:

  • 7,000 points: 10-journey carnet in Frecciabianca Second Class
  • 9,000 points: 10-journey carnet in Frecciabianca First Class
  • 10,000 points: 10-journey carnet on high-speed Frecciargento/Frecciarossa Second Class/Standard
  • 14,000 points: 10-journey carnet on high-speed Frecciargento/Frecciarossa First Class/Business

Upgrade with CartaFRECCIA

CartaFRECCIA quickly gives you a free reward upgrade: choose maximum comfort! You can, in fact, transform a Standard ticket into a Business ticket, a Second Class ticket into a First Class ticket, or a Business ticket into an Executive ticket. Here are the details:

  • Frecce Upgrade to 1st Class: turn a Second Class ticket into a First Class ticket.
  • Frecciarossa Business Upgrade: turn a Standard ticket into a Business ticket.
  • Frecciarossa Executive Upgrade: turn a Business ticket into an Executive ticket.

You can use this reward if you’ve purchased a Base ticket in Second Class, Standard Class or Business Class, for one person, on one route, on one train. The upgrade cannot be used on journeys with transfers.

In addition, according to your CartaFRECCIA status, you may be able to upgrade more often:

  • CartaFRECCIA: 1 upgrade
  • CartaFRECCIA Argento: 2 upgrades
  • CartaFRECCIA Oro: 3 upgrades
  • CartaFRECCIA Platino: 4 upgrades
  • CartaFRECCIA Platino Infinito: 5 upgrades

You can also decide to use your points to buy an upgrade:

  • 500 points – Upgrade from Second Class to First Class on Frecciargento and Frecciabianca trains
  • 500 points – Upgrade from Standard to Frecciarossa Business
  • 1000 points – Upgrade from Business to Frecciarossa Executive

To redeem a points upgrade or a free upgrade, you need to have purchased a Base ticket in Second Class (Frecciargento or Frecciabianca), Standard or Business (Frecciarossa). Your personal CartaFRECCIA code must be displayed on the ticket, and you cannot redeem an upgrade on CartaFRECCIA rewards tickets or tickets bought using another promotion.

Recovering CartaFRECCIA points

So you've booked a Trenitalia ticket and, after three days, you can't see the loyalty points in your account? Here's two ways to recover them:

  • Log into your Trenitalia account and select 'Recupero Punti' ('Recover Points') in the useful links section.
  • Fill out this form (in Italian) to request points to be credited to your account.

Remember that you can only recover points where your CartaFRECCIA number (or at least your first name and surname) is on the ticket.

If you're entitled to points according to the Regulations, your points will be credited to your account as soon as possible. 

Loyalty points from 'ticketless' purchases will usually be credited to your accounts after the journey date.

Only trips by the cardholder will earn points.

CartaFRECCIA status levels

In addition to the basic card which allows you to get discounts on tickets and collect points, Trenitalia offers different types of CartaFRECCIA cards and various status levels which you can reach when you collect points.

Find out how to reach one of the five exclusive status levels including CartaFRECCIA ArgentoOroPlatino and Platino Infinito.


CartaFRECCIA Classic

CartaFRECCIA Argento


CartaFRECCIA Platino

CartaFRECCIA Platino Infinito

Points needed for status





Status reserved for those who've had a CartaFRECCIA Platino for over 10 years







Dedicated promotions

Admission to FRECCIAClub

Extra points





Free upgrades




Fast Track at Milano Centrale and Roma Termini

WhatsApp assistance

Booking changes

Free ticket and Prize 365


Purchase on the train + Meeting Area

Salottino + Children accompaniment

Extra Carta Oro (to give to someone else)

Frequently Asked Questions about CartaFRECCIA

Still have doubts? Keep reading and find out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.