Discover where Vibasa can take you using our bus journey planner. Learn more about buying cheap Vibasa tickets, bus times and onboard facility information.

Vibasa Information

Buy cheap Vibasa tickets with us and save money today. Buy the right bus ticket for you, giving you peace of mind and an enjoyable trip.

If you want to buy cheap Vibasa tickets, you can use our bus journey planner. For more information Vibasa bus times and routes, you can visit our dedicated page.

Bus Times

Find your Vibasa route using our journey planner. Get bus times and how long the journey takes so you can plan your trip


All Vibasa buses are equipped with WiFi. Simply follow the login details and enjoy free Wifi.


Travelling with Vibasa also means you can take any luggage with you. Large pieces of luggage are kept below the cabin, while hand luggage can be taken onboard.


The majority of Vibasa buses come with air conditioning and toilet usage as standard. On more modern buses, there may also be additional facilities such as at-seat power sockets and leather seats, although this is not guaranteed.