Learn more about Appennino and how you can buy cheap bus tickets. Discover where Appennino can take you, onboard facilities including WiFi access and power sockets. Wherever you're starting your adventure, start it with Trainline.

Appennino Information

Discover where Appennino can take you using our bus journey planner. Learn more about buying cheap Appennino tickets, bus times and onboard facility information.

Get the best deal on Appennino tickets, saving you both time and money. Search for the best ticket prices and get the ticket that suits you.

If you want to buy cheap Appennino tickets, you can use our bus journey planner. For more information Appennino bus times and routes, you can visit our dedicated page.

Bus Times

Discover where Appennino can take you. Find times and dates using our bus journey planner.


WiFi is currently unavailable on Appennino buses. This is subject to change as WiFi becomes more readily available on transport.


You can take luggage with you when travelling on an Appennino bus. Appennino also allows passengers to bring hand luggage onboard.


The majority of Appennino buses come with air conditioning and toilet usage as standard. On more modern buses, there may also be additional facilities such as at-seat power sockets and leather seats, although this is not guaranteed.

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