How to get to Alton Towers by train

Planning a day out at Alton Towers and want to travel there by train? You're in luck. We've got all the info you need to know about taking the train, including which station to go to, bus connections, and upcoming train times.

The nearest train station to Alton Towers

The nearest train station to Alton Towers is Uttoxeter station, which is around 10 miles away from the park. From Uttoxeter station, it takes around 30 minutes to reach Alton Towers by bus, or around 20 minutes in a taxi. It’s easy to reach Uttoxeter from a large number of UK train stations including London, Birmingham, and Newcastle upon Tyne, where trains depart every hour.

Other train stations close to Alton Towers

Other stations close to Alton Towers include Stoke-on-Trent (four bus departures daily - which makes it the most convenient for most travellers), Nottingham, and Derby (both one bus service daily).

Dubbed ‘Britain’s most loved theme park’, Alton Towers is home to hundreds of amazing live shows, wonderful costume characters, and terrific rides. Visit the official website to view opening times and book tickets.

Station details & facilities

About Alton Towers

Beloved by family groups and thrillseekers alike, there are activities and events to suit all ages and tastes at Alton Towers. Younger visitors will enjoy the brand new Octonauts Rollercoaster Adventure, while Postman Pat’s sorting room offers kids the chance to help Pat sort his parcels.

Fearless folks head for the big thrill rides – Nemesis, Oblivion, The Blade, Enterprise and Rita to name just a few. Alton Towers Water Park also has a fine mix of quiet places to unwind, such as Lazy River, the Bubbly Wubbly Pool and Lagoona Bay, plus adrenaline-filled options such as the Master Blaster Water Coaster  – a fast and fabulous water slide to whiz swimmers around the Water Park before splashing them into a pool. Meanwhile kids will adore splashing around in the Wacky Waterworks Tree House and the Tipping Bucket.

Alton Towers also organises some fun themed events at certain times of the year – think Spookfest to mark Halloween, and the spectacular Fireworks event that celebrates Guy Fawkes Night.

Departures and arrivals from Uttoxeter

Want to check the latest departures and arrivals into Uttoxeter station? Find live information for the next trains departing and arriving at the station below.
Departing toTrainTimePlatformStatus
to CreweEast Midlands Railway22:10On time
to DerbyEast Midlands Railway22:201Late
to DerbyEast Midlands Railway14:57Scheduled
to CreweEast Midlands Railway15:07Scheduled
to DerbyEast Midlands Railway15:57Scheduled
Arriving fromTrainTimePlatformStatus
from NottinghamEast Midlands Railway22:09On time
from CreweEast Midlands Railway22:191Late
from CreweEast Midlands Railway14:57Scheduled
from DerbyEast Midlands Railway15:06Scheduled
from CreweEast Midlands Railway15:56Scheduled

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