Buying cheap train tickets in Spain is easier than you think. Much like other countries and train companies, booking in advance typically leads to better value for your ticket, saving you both time and money. Renfe, the train company in Spain, typically has three types of train ticket per journey.

Whilst they differ in price, they are also typically cheaper when they are first on sale compared to closer to the day of departure. Find out below more about how you can buy cheap train tickets in Spain, and when is best to buy for your Renfe train journey.

How to buy cheap train tickets in Spain

When buying cheap train tickets in Spain, you first need to understand the different types of tickets you can buy. Typically there are three types of train ticket in Spain: Básico, Elige and Prémium. These different types of ticket offer different rates of flexibility. Básico is the cheapest type of ticket you can buy, for both Standard and First Class, with Prémium being the most expensive.

Despite this, the earlier you book in advance, the cheaper the train ticket will be. With that in mind, when booking your train ticket in Spain, you can find great value even in the more expensive tickets. This makes buying cheap train tickets in Spain even easier. Saving you money to spend more on your holiday!

Cheap train tickets in Spain tips

Renfe train tickets usually leave about 2 months in advance, except in the case of AVE tickets, which usually do it with an approximate margin of 90 days. Whilst buying in advance is typically the most common way of buying cheap train tickets, there are a number of other ways you can get train tickets for less in Spain. Renfe have a number of offers that allows you to travel by train for cheaper in Spain.

Return ticket

Buying a return ticket can sometimes result in discounted prices.

Ticket types

At times, the price of a Confort Class ticket is cheaper than an Estandár Class ticket.


There are discounts for frequent travellers, seniors, people with disabilities and people aged between 14 and 25. 

Check out the latest Spanish train discounts you can book with you, on our European train deals page.

Children discount

Children up to 4 travel for free, and there is a 40% discount on travellers up to the age of 14.

Cheap Renfe Avlo tickets

Avlo is Renfe's new high-speed long-distance train service operating on the Madrid to Barcelona-Figueres line. Avlo trains can travel up to 300 km/h, all tickets are in Economy Class with assigned seats.

The only rate offered on Avlo services is called Básica (or Basic) and tickets start from €7.

Cheap Renfe Ave tickets

Renfe AVE trains are the high-speed service provided in Spain. If you want to travel to the major cities in Spain and still be there for a meal in the evening, this is the train to take. Despite being high-speed trains, there are still ways to get cheap train tickets on these journeys. Básico tickets offer the most value for money, although with the least amount of flexibility. You can buy Renfe AVE tickets up to three months before the date of travel, giving you plenty of time to save on your train ticket.

Cheap train tickets to travel in Europe

It's not just Spain you can get cheap train tickets with Trainline. You can enjoy cheaper train tickets across Europe, including countries such as France, Germany and Italy

If you want to book your cheap train tickets to these countries, do not hesitate to search for train tickets to the European destination of your choice when you search for your train tickets. This will give you a range of information to compare and save on the most popular journeys across Europe.

Popular destinations in Europe

Frequently Asked Questions

When do Renfe tickets come on sale?

Renfe tickets are generally available for purchase 2 months in advance. The booking horizon for AVE trains is slightly longer, around 90 days.

What is the cheapest Renfe fare?

Básico fares are the cheapest fare type. These fares are very popular so be sure to book well in advance to ensure a Básico ticket is available.

Are discounts on Renfe tickets available?

Yes, there are discounts for frequent travellers, seniors, people with disabilities and people aged between 14 and 25.

Where can I learn more about trains in Spain?

Our Trains in Spain page is your one-stop-shop for learning about rail travel in Spain. While you're there, have a read of our Renfe page, which shows you inside Spanish trains and explains ticket types.

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