Is Rihanna going to tour Europe in 2024? Everyone’s talking about it!  

There’s no sure news yet, but fans everywhere are super excited about maybe seeing her perform live. 

Imagine Rihanna rocking out in places like Paris and London—Europe’s totally ready for a star like her. 

And if you’re thinking of following the tour or just exploring Europe’s music hotspots, Trainline’s got you covered for an easy, eco-friendly way to get around by train. 

Image Credit: Getty Images, Flashpop

Rihanna’s European tour: what fans hope for 

A legacy of once-in-a-lifetime performances 

Rihanna, only behind Madonna as the all-time top-selling female music artist, has really made her mark on music worldwide. Her past tours have been a mix of amazing visuals and killer vocals, totally wowing the crowds. 

Now, with the buzz about a 2024 European tour, fans are thrilled to bits about the chance for more incredible live shows. 

The wait for official news 

As of now, Rihanna’s European tour remains a bunch of maybes and what-ifs. Fans are eagerly scouring the internet for any hints or announcements, hopeful for what could be one of the most significant musical events in recent years. 

Planning for Rihanna concerts 2024 amid uncertainty 

Ready to catch Rihanna live in Europe, whenever the tour happens? Here’s your game plan to nab those golden tickets: 

  • Rihanna fan club first. Join up! Fan clubs often get first dibs on tickets. 
  • Only the official routes. Stick to legit ticket sellers—they sometimes drop extra tickets later. 
  • Alarm clock tactics. Be on the dot when tickets drop—every second counts. 
  • Multi-device hack. Arm yourself with a phone, laptop, and tablet to make the most of your chances. 
  • Resale recon. Check out StubHub or SeatGeek, but brace for higher prices. 
  • Social media sleuthing. Keep an eagle eye on Rihanna and venue pages for surprise offers. 
  • Pre-sale privilege. Watch out for credit card special offers or limited-time pre-sales. 
  • Date flexibility. Not picky on dates? Some shows are easier to get into.
  • Fan network force. Dive into fan groups—sometimes they’ve got spare tickets at fair prices. 
  • Last-minute lookout. Keep checking; extra tickets often pop up just before the show. 

Leveraging Trainline for your European travel gig 

If Rihanna’s tour does happen, Trainline will be a great tool for planning your trips across Europe. You can use our website and app to easily find train routes and buy tickets to get to the concert locations practically anywhere in Europe. 

Image Credit: Getty Images, zamrznutitonovi

Beyond the Rihanna tour: Europe’s music scene 

Other major music events in Europe in 2024 

Europe’s always got something going on in music, with tons of festivals and concerts all year round. You’ve got the famous Glastonbury in the UK, the super diverse Sziget Festival in Budapest, and the forever-young Primavera in Barcelona. Don't miss Taylor Swift in London taking over Wembley Stadium for eight nights. There’s no shortage of chances to catch some decent live tunes! 

Iconic music venues across Europe 

Europe’s packed with famous music spots like London’s O2 Arena, Paris’ L'Olympia, and Berlin’s Mercedes-Benz Arena—real landmarks in music history.  

The music scene here is as varied as the cultures. You can dive into jazz in Prague’s clubs or get swept up in Vienna’s world-class classical concerts. 

Then there’s Spain, with its lively flamenco and guitar music in Madrid, Barcelona, and Córdoba. Italy’s huge on opera, with places like Milan’s La Scala hosting some of the most striking opera shows. 

Each European city has its own music vibe, from cool underground electronic clubs to grand opera houses. So, as we wait for the word on Rihanna’s 2024 tour, there’s a whole world of music to discover. And with Trainline, you’re all set to jump into the rhythms and melodies of Europe’s exciting music scene! 

Header Image Credit: Getty Images, dangerous_disco