Roman Holiday pairs together the ultimate leading man and leading lady: Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn. It’s a rom-com set in Rome and is very relatable: 

Hepburn plays Princess Ann, an overworked royal who needs a night out on the town. 

She takes a sedative and passes out on a bench where she’s found by Gregory Peck, who plays an American reporter. 

He takes her back to his apartment.

When he finds out she’s a princess, he jumps on the opportunity to monetize the meet-cute by getting an exclusive interview with her.

They catch feelings and suddenly they’re entangled in their own love story. 

Happens to the best of us, right? Here’s what you need to know about this classic movie and where to find its filming locations in Rome.

Image Credit: Paramount 

Where is Gregory Peck’s apartment in Roman Holiday?

Gregory Peck’s character, Joe Bradley, lived at Via Margutta 51. It’s close to the Barberini metro station and Flaminio train station. The interiors were shot on a soundstage but the exterior and courtyard were the real deal. 

What building is in the last scene of Roman Holiday?

In the last scene of Roman Holiday, Audrey Hepburn’s character Princess Ann meets the press one final time at the Palazzo Colonna Gallery. The gallery is located near Trajan’s Column. Get off at the Colosseo metro stop then walk by the Roman Forum up to the Palazzo Colonna Gallery.

What happens in the end of Roman Holiday?

Spoiler alert to anyone who is 70 years behind on this Peck/Hepburn classic: Roman Holiday does not end its romantic story with a happily ever after. Joe and Ann part ways, thankful for their time together, but sadly understanding that this interlude in their lives has come to an end. 

Image Credit: Getty Images, Alexander Spatari. Image Location: Rome, Italy

What do the three coins in the Trevi Fountain mean?

Tossing a coin in the Trevi Fountain is a must for every visitor to Rome, mainly because superstition says that if you toss a coin the correct way, you’ll safely return to Rome one day. Tossing three coins — in three separate throws, mind you — means you’ll return to Rome, find romance, and get married to your new Italian beau. 

Where is the statue in Roman Holiday?

The statue in Roman Holiday is located at La Bocca della Verità, in the Piazza Bocca della Verità at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin. It’s called the Mouth of Truth and the closest metro station to the church is Circo Massimo. 

What is the stone face in Roman Holiday?

The stone face in Roman Holiday is a sculpture known as the Mouth of Truth. It’s a carving of a man’s face on an ancient marble manhole cover. Superstition says that if a liar places their hand inside the mouth, they’ll lose it. 

How many Oscars did Roman Holiday win?

Roman Holiday was nominated for 10 Academy Awards, winning the Oscar three times. Edith Head took home an Oscar for Best Costume Design, an award she was nominated for 35 times (and won 8 times) across her career. Roman Holiday also won a Best Writing (Motion Picture Story) Oscar while Audrey Hepburn won the Oscar for Best Actress. 

Image Credit: Getty Images, samael334. Image Location: Rome, Italy

Roman Holiday filming locations

On your Roman holiday, pay a visit to these Roman Holiday filming locations in the Eternal City.

Roman Forum

Closest station: Colosseo

Fate brings Joe and Ann together for the first time at the Roman Forum, specifically when she’s passed out on a bench on Via dei Fori Imperiali. It’s an amazing place to stage a meet cute and it would have been one heck of a “how I met your mother” story.  

Via della Stamperia 85

Closest station: Barberini

Near the Trevi Fountain, this is the site of the barber shop Ann visits for a haircut. 

Palazzo Brancaccio

Closest station: Cavor

Princess Ann’s dreamy Roman bedroom, and all of the Embassy scenes, are located in the Brancaccio Palace. 

Image Credit: Getty Images, Alexander Spatari. Image Location: Rome, Italy

Spanish Steps

Closest station: Barberini

Ann is urged to relax and grab some gelato by Joe on the Spanish Steps near Piazza di Spagna and Trinità dei Monti. Not only do we have you covered on which hotels to stay at near the Spanish Steps, but we’ve also whipped up a guide to the best gelato spots in Rome

Rocca Caffè 

Closest station: Barberini

Rocca Caffè was one of the first stops for Joe and Ann as they got their Roman holiday off to a proper start. Located near the Pantheon in the Piazza della Rotonda, Rocca Caffè is no longer a café, but a clothing store.

Tiber River Barge

Closest station: Lepanto

Ann’s barber invites her to dance the night away on (and then in) the Tiber River. The barge they danced on is now gone, but Castel Sant'Angelo — the imposing structure on the riverside — is still welcoming visitors. 

Via Luigi Petroselli

Closest station: Circo Massimo

We see many landmarks in Roman Holiday like the Colosseum and Piazza Venezia, but one unique one is on Via Luigi Petroselli opposite the Temple of Vesta. It was the wall of wishes, but has since been removed and is now housed within the Santuario della Madonna del Divino Amor (closest station: Torricola).

Ready to plan your own Roman Holiday? Download the Trainline App today to get your tickets.

Header Image Credit: Paramount


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