Looking for Eurostar train times and timetables? Simply type in your origin and destination stations and select the time you want to travel, and we'll show you times for all available trains.
If you're looking for Eurostar train times and timetables, simply type in your origin and destination stations and select the time you want to travel in the widget above, and we'll show you times for all available trains for today, tomorrow and beyond.
Eurostar services generally run every 30 minutes on most days during peak times. However, they may run at a reduced service on weekends and holidays.
Most services are usually stopped between 01:00 and 05:00 each morning to let the trains have a nap, so it's usually fairly easy to search for the first train of the day using our tool – simply type in your departure from and arrival to stations, and choose a time inside of this morning window to find the first train.
To search for the last train of the day, select a time late in the night, and use the earlier or later toggles to scroll through to find the last train of the evening.
Eurostar tickets are usually available around six months before the date of travel. Make sure you book in advance to get the best possible prices.
Providing good value for money, some of the best priced Eurostar tickets typically require you to travel at certain times of the day (early in the morning or late at night), certain days of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) or via a particular route (travelling to nearby Marne-la-Vallée instead of Paris). Discover how you can get cheap Eurostar tickets in a snap.